Subject: HTML: Framed! PGS 1.0 Author: Andreas Feuz c/o Personal Guide Systems ( Uploaded By: CJ Cyber Date: 12/18/1996 File: Framed! 1.0 Install (591109 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 3 minutes Download Count: 520 Equipment: Any Mac or PowerMac Needs: AppleScript; AppleGuide (See below for details) Keywords: FRAMES NETSCAPE FRAME EDITOR APPLESCRIPT WEB WWW TYPE: Shareware; $8 LIBRARY: IC/Personal Publishing --------------------------------------------------------------- KEYWORDS: FRAMES NETSCAPE FRAME EDITOR APPLESCRIPT WEB WWW AUTHOR'S DESCRIPTION: Framed! PGS, v1.0 - the easy way to do Netscape Frames Framed! is a Netscape Frames editor built on AppleScript, yet with a "real" application's interface. Since I'm a web designer myself, I was looking for an easy way to do frame documents. I'm happy to share with other designers the result of three weeks of scripting and interface work. Framed! has built-in Apple Guide assistance, Balloon Help and a Read Me! documentation. The archive comes as a StuffIt Installer, so installation is fast and easy. Hope you have fun with it! Requirements: AppleScript 1.1 and AppleScriptLib (if you use a Power Macintosh) AppleGuide 1.2 or newer System 7.5 or newer or System 7.1 with 7.0/7.1 Apple Guide Enabler ----------------------------------------------------------- Internet Connection File Libraries. Keyword: NET SOFTWARE This file has been checked for viruses. DMA